STEM Website & Digital Campaign

SCU’s new, state-of-the-art building features flexible labs, collaboration hubs and its own Innovation Zone. It needed a shiny new website and digital assets - fast.

Website timeline: 1 month total, start to finish, including development

My Role: Principle designer (only designer)

Team size: Web manager, developer, designer (me), copywriter, project manager, university consultants

Deliverables: Award-winning STEM website, digital ads and assets

Marketing goals

  • Show off the many parts and features of the new building

  • Uses Collaborate, Connect and Create theme

  • Highlight SCU’s STEM stories and people

Unique university challenges

  • Accelerated time constraints and CMS limitations

  • Building’s interior features were still being installed

  • Photoshoots of the space were delayed and being completed as website was being developed

Building a foundation

Our team narrowed the focus down to three main purposes for the building that we used to weave together a visual and copywriting theme:

  • Collaborate - Students and faculty from various disciplines come together in intentional spaces

  • Connect - with the vast network of Silicon Valley

  • Create - to solve world problems, with the end user in mind

Shaping a visual theme

From the beginning, I found inspiration in the architectural textures of the gorgeous building itself, which we were allowed to tour before it opened.

I also asked for architectural plans and renderings of the art and displays that would go inside. From there, I developed a visual direction.


The ceiling’s geometric grid and bar pattern stood out to me, as well as the circles and organic lines elsewhere in the building.


Textures, patterns & strong typography

I love creating patterns, and this project was the perfect opportunity. I created custom patterns inspired by the building’s interior architecture, which I had toured and photographed, and used it in conjunction with the typography and colors to tell the story.

I tried a lot of different looks for SCDI, but in the end, simple and tightly branded worked best. I chose three colors from the University palette and assigned each to a theme word.



Website goals

  • Custom, design-focused site that can be used as a marketing piece, directed toward potential students

  • Show off the many pieces of the new building with Collaborate, Connect and Create themed sub-pages

  • Highlight SCU’s STEM stories and people

  • Keep custom elements doable for the developer within the CMS and time constraints


Condensing 270k square feet of amazing science into 4 pages

Breaking down a dynamic building, and many pages of notes, into visually digestible nuggets was tough, but eventually, after lots of research, I settled on a working basic page template and pitched it to our team.

Shown are my initial wireframes, where I am collaborating with our writer and solidifying design plans.

It was a kind of chicken-and-egg situation, with our team brainstorming, me iterating, and finally landing on tight solutions.

Final Website

STEM landing

Implemented new font and custom text sizing, as well as custom design elements

Collaborate subpage

Custom javascript with developer helped add subtle zoom movement to the split-layout sections


Connect subpage

Create subpage


STEM - Digital assets & advertisements

Before and after the website launch, I was busy creating digital assets for both internal audiences, and digital ads to be placed in higher-ed digital magazines.


Display screen and Zoom templates

Instagram stories and post templates


Digital ads for multiple higher-ed publications



Overall, I was able to contribute to almost every aspect of this project, for which me and my team won a 2022 District VII CASE award. In addition to being the sole designer, I enjoyed working closely with our web manager and developer, and helped direct photography. I also dabbled in the web content writing, collaborating with our fantastic writers, and learned from our colleagues in STEM about this unique and breathtaking new space.